August Site Update

Aug 6, 2024
Tags: hugo development css

I’ve been busy the last few months! We ended up going to Comic-Con this year which was great (as usual). I’ll make a post it at some point showing off some of the things we did, people we met and stuff we picked up. I’m slowly compiling another linkdump but I’m not quite ready for that yet. I did make a blog post about some Killer7 comics today which spurned my desire to make a quick update page.

Galleries Are Back … Again …

… even though they were already working. But neocities got an update which upped the character limit for any files hosted on the service, which means that my PREFERRED method of generating galleries, the hugo-shortcode-gallery is back.


I messed around with also keeping the hugo-easy-gallery around because I like the prospect of using the FIGURE shortcode they included but I’m not ready to keep it active quite yet. I did mess around with that for a while today and I found that just using the gallery to display one image can sometimes be better.

I also messed on the site a little bit. The central (left) section is about 4% wider which actually made quite the difference. That means the two link boxes on the left a little smaller, which is fine, but I also fixed the padding and made the text slightly smaller. I think it helps the readable on longer posts. BUT who knows, this is all going to keep evolving. I added links to the blog and tag sections as well, using the new fancy link/li class I made last time I futzed around.

I also got around to adding some style to the <code> tag, which I’ve been putting off. But now that I wanted to talk about the CLI this was the perfect time to do it.

A lot of what I’m writing here sounds like I’m talking directly to an audience but I’m really mostly talking to myself. I find the best way to remember how to use this scratch-made hugo website, I need to keep notes. The second best way i’ve found it to keep breaking it.

Neocities Command Line Trick

Something I found today that I must have missed when I skimmed the documentation the first time, the Neocities Command Line (CLI) has a way to purge unused files from the webserver. One of the things that happens when you mess around, especially with plug-ins that generate thumbnails or other files on your behalf, is that your webserver will get gunked up junk. So the Neocities CLI has a --prune command for purging anything not being used by your local site. Pretty damned handy for keeping your website nice and lean.

neocities push --prune public

That’s it!