Killer7 Comics

Aug 6, 2024
Tags: suda51 comics blog

Collecting Killer7 Comics

I’m a huge fan of Suda51, the Japanese video game creator that runs Grasshopper Manufacture. It’s hard for me to rank his games but on the top of the list would be Killer7. Released in 2005, there is yet to be another game like it. Its just so fucking cool and weird and fresh. Part of my obsession with all things Grasshopper, I like to collect, among other things, official, ancillary paper goods. Art books, official posters, guides, stuff like that. I’ve been meaning to write about my Suda51/Grasshopper Collection for a while now and today is the perfect day to do it because I finally added the last book of the main run to my collection.

I don’t know the entire history of the Killer7 Comic Series, but there was a planned 12-issue release that was cancelled after the 4th issue, possibly due to low sales of the game. As far as I can tell there was also an ISSUE 0, ISSUE 1/2, as well as some cover variants. They were published by Devils Due Comics and the apparently defunct Kinetic Komicz.

Issue 0 was maybe a give-away or pre-order bonus for the game from EB Games (rip)

ISSUE 1/2 was a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive.

Issue 1 had a New York City Comic-Con exclusive cover variant.

Issue 2only had one cover.

Issue 3 had 2 covers, the Kaede & Coyote Smith cover and then the (possibly more common) Andrei Ulmeyda Texas Bronco cover.

Issue 4 also had 2 covers. I’m not sure what’s going on here but this is the B variant.

Killer7 Comic Issue 0 Killer7 Comic Issue 1/2 Killer7 Comic Issue 1 NYCC Exclusive Variant Killer7 Comic Issue 4 Variant


What’s Next??

I’m going to start to hunt for the variants, now. But I’m not going to spend 250 on a complete set or anything like that. The issue I got in the mail today I picked up in a lot off ebay for a pretty cheap price. I think for me a lot of this comes down to the hunt. I’ll keep looking at comic shops and comic-con and whatnot, but I think those are going to have to be an extremely lucky circumstance to pull that off. The happenstance of finding one of these in the wild, you’d have to have a lot stars align for that to happen. So I’ll keep poking and prodding internet marketplaces. Here’s a little checklist:

  • Issue 0 (need)
  • Issue 1/2 (need)
  • Issue 1 NYCC Variant (need)
  • Issue 3a Kaede Variant (need)
  • Issue 4b Variant (need)

Have any of these? Want to send them to a good home? Hit me up on twitter!