Happy New Year!

Jan 4, 2025
Tags: blog games

Welcome to 2025!

Look at this, 2025, the most futuristic year yet. Have humans been here before? Have we lived through this life sometime in the past? Is it all cyclical? Are our lives just one long sysyphusian march towards the grave, with our boulder being the knowledge that time is meaningless and nothing we do matters once we shuffle away? PROBABLY NOT! It’s chill, don’t think that way, happy new year!

Not quite my 1 year neocities anniversary but mainting this site through the new year feels like I’m owed a gentle pat on the back. It looks like was posted on June 6 so just about 6 months. It feels so much longer than that!

Games section, coming soon!

I have been playing more games recently, and I think I’m going to put a games section on the site but I’m not exactly sure what that is going to look like. I don’t want to say that I’m reviewing games, but I’m playing them and then I like to practice writing by talking about my experiences, the good and the bad, influences on other games, mechanics, etc. I also like to take a bunch of screenshots and captures which is fun. I need a way to effectively capture screens from retro consoles, like some kind of device hooked up between the console and the tv that has a big red button on it that I can smash, and a png gets generated.

Anyway, pipedream aside, I will be tinkering with the site layout to maybe add a games section, or maybe they will just be assimilated into the main blog roll, idk. That’s another problem for another day!