Fuji GS645s

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    Camera Information:

  • maker: Fuji
  • model: GS645s
  • format: Medium Format
  • style: Rangefinder
  • lens: Fujinon 60mm f4
  • additional: manual advance lever & built-in light-meter
  • aperture: f/4 to f/22
  • battery: 2 SR-44 / LR-44
  • self-timer: true
  • shutter: copal shutter
  • shutter-speed: 1 to 1/500 second

Sample Galleries


I wrote up some thoughts in the first gallery that I put up but to reiterate, I really enjoy using this. Its easy to use, has a very accurate meter and is quick to focus when it wants to. What do I mean by that? My rangefinder patch is getting stuck and I’ll need to open it up and oil it. It should be a pretty straight forward bit of maintenance but I had been waiting until the roll was done. Besides a thorough cleaning I need to patch a small whole on the side of the lens housing. The first roll I put through it was to determine if there were any light leaks. I have already superglued parts of the lens housing shut and painted that black. This was something I found online years ago about how to keep this lens for leaking light too bad. So far the results are good! That major break didn’t seem to be causing the leak, that light washing that was present on my roll was pretty consistent with loose handling of the 120 roll film.