Early Summer East Coast Trip

Jun 22, 2024
Tags: photography gallery olympusaccura

Earlier this summer I visited my parents on the east coast for my mothers’ 70th birthday. We made our way into a few antique malls and I pulled a 10$ 35mm point & shoot off a shelf that looked like it was in perfect condition. I bought the thing and grabbed some Fujifilm stock from cvs along with a few batteries. One of the things I like about this camera is that it takes multiple kinds of batteries leaving it open to lots of options. Anyway I ended up throwing 2 rolls of film through it in a couple of weeks, from Massachusetts to New York and then back to LA.

Roll 1

When we got back to Los Angeles I ended up taking the olympus to a Renaissance Fair where it performed well. I wish the fill flash wasn’t so punchy, I might want to experiment taping a bit of ND over the flash to stop it down. You can see in some of these images where they are properly exposed in the background and the subject is just a little too hot, that’s what I’m talking about. It just needs to balance out a little better, though I do generally like the images it produces. Once I run a few more rolls through it I’ll give it a proper review.

Roll 2


The camera used to shoot this film was the Olympus Infinity Accura

Reliable point & shoot with few options.

Camera Information:

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