Welcome to the new (as of January 2025) games section for Cyber Buffalo Industries! Since getting the blog in order I've been vacillating on the idea of putting together a section specific for games writing and after seeing some great examples of long-standing websites with a wealth of information spanning years, I finally decided to do it. Inspired by my Year of the Hack & Slash threads on twitter, I decided to put each post together like a micro blog. Thanks for reading!


On the left side of the page you'll see three sections: GAMES, ARTICLES, and TAGS. The games section is broken down the year played. To the left of the game title, you'll seen an orb which denotes my progress through the game. Each orb means...

I am currently in the middle of playing this!!
I hit credits and I consider this finished!
This is an ongoing game I'll be play for the forseeable future!

To the right you'll see little icons based on where the game was played. They are hard to read, too small, and I'm not super happy with them. I will iron this out when I come up with an idea that I like. Until then this stays!

The articles section is for random thoughts about topics that are stritcly related to games, and I felt would be better served to lump them in here instead of making a blog post about them. Under that, the tags section, these are specific to the games section and don't cross pollinate with the rest of the sites tags.