Monster Hunter Wilds

Date Started

Feb 27, 2025








What a glorious day, the horn has blown, ushering in a new Monster Hunter title & I’ve signed on with the guild! I’m happy to be playing it at launch. A game like this can be more fun while surrounded by an excited community, and there may be no better online game community than Monster Hunter.

I’m probably about 14 hours in over the past 3 days and while I’m obviously enjoying Wilds, it does annoying stuff! Look, it’s called Monster Hunter not Monster Walk-and-talk. Walking-on-rails through a new locale, unable to stray from the path while 4 character rattle on about this-and-that, only to stop and deliver a monster to you gets old. And I’m not done with all of that yet, I have more of the story to get through and this is the formula they like to use. When the game cuts the seatbelts off and you get to do whatever you want, it’s really excellent.

There are some great new monsters, I’ll make a tier list of my favorites later on but Rompopolo should get a special shoutout for being extra disgusting. I’m going to keep updating this with thoughts as they come or some memories of great hunts. For now, please say hello to my hunter, Chazerito and his trusty palico Chuckeeto.

Chazerito as of March 2, 2025
Chazerito as of March 2, 2025

Mar 3, 2025

… And that’s credits! Well the first credits, that is. I assume just like previous games the “post game” is really like 3 or 4 credit rolls deep. I’m happy to be in High Rank! I’m also happy to be in what feels like a new style of storytelling. The chatter has died down a little, Nato has grown up and isn’t quite as annoying, the lands are traversable and materials are ripe for the gather! It’s all Monster Hunter, baby and I’m ready to wild out.


Interestingly one thing the story did that I liked was begin to question the ethics of hunting monsters. So far, they’ve done a great job at not making me feel bad about killing these monsters. Some of them, like the big bear guy or the sleeping monkey guy or the frog man from the beginning of this game are literally just chillin" and i feel bad about rocking their shit. But arkveld? Get out of here. That angry electric lava great ape? fuck him. That disgusting mosquito balloon filled with oil? Say your prayers. While I’m not rushing to Monster Hunter for philosophical debate, its interesting to see.

Now, onward to the builds! I need my rapid morph, I want partbreaker and speed eating! I can’t wait to see the full extent of the post game gear! Happy Hunting!!!!!

Mar 6, 2025

I have been having a great time now that I’ve made it to high rank. I haven’t started the hunt for all of my armor skills yet, my cobbled together armor pieces have been protecting me great, though I just hunted a Tempered Rathian and it did cart me. I got my revenge though by cutting that freaks tail off. Just a quick hunt before I head to work today. Chazerito, Chuckeeto and Birdito Blanco, living the dream and having it all.

Mar 6, 2025

I had a great hunt session with a new buddy, SlurpeeZombie. He was much higher level than I was but was gracious enough to slum it in low HR hunts. I still hadn’t updated my armor from LR, still rocking Chatacabra armor pieces, and tonight it finally started to fail me. I carted twice and decided it was time to dump some armor spheres into this build, just to get through the big Jin Dahaad fight.

The first time we failed, I had carted twice and a guy joined just as Jin Dahaad started to do his big power explosion move and our new entry ran right into it and died. The second time I just wasn’t paying attention and kept getting trapped in bad situations. After the armor boost we ended up getting a full party, one of the players had a custom message that popped up when they mounted the monster that read “I MISS SILKBINDS” which rules (and I agree with!). Towards the end of the fight, I was able to work that tail straight off and it fell down, dead. Really great hunt! And with that I’m in the next stage of the story and have reached HR32!

What A Happy Family!
What A Happy Family!