
Jun 19, 2024

Welcome to Cyber Buffalo Industries! An industrious website that might not ever try to sell you something. In the pandemic year of 2020 I decided to teach myself how to 3d model and entered the ZeroDays cyberdeck building competition held by the awesome folks behind the cyberdeck cafe. I wanted to teach myself 3d modelling and 3d printing. I have been a sketch-up user for a long time because of my IRL job, but that was mostly for large scale stuff like rooms and environments. Long story short I decided to turn my long-term nickname into my website and decker persona, thus cyberbuffalo was born.

In real life I’m a set designer working in the LA photography industry. I love photography, especially shooting instant film. Unfortunately my favorite kind of film has been long discontinued so I’m mostly shooting modern polaroid and 35mm. I plan on using this space to upload some photos and create some image galleries.

I’ll add some contact info here in the future, but for now I’ll just link to my twitter bluesky which is mainly for me to keep up on video game news and hang out with shit-talking communists. You can also send me an email, it’s pretty easy. cyb3rbuffalo on gmail.

cbtheme2 theme 1.5 changelog

keeping a list of all changes I’ve made to the cyberbuff theme starting now, August 18 2024. I wish I had started this a lot earlier. I was making some posts everytime i made a change here or there, but just keeping a quick list would end up being the most thorough.

UPDATE - even though its 2025 and I’ve made lots of changes to this, I don’t know shit about version numbers therefore I’m keeping it at version 1.0.

UDPATE - with the release of the games section, I’m calling it, we’re at version 1.5 baby dolls.


  • continue to figure out camera categories for the “database.”
  • Cameras section - As the list grows it would be nice to be able to sort through some categories. Rangefinder, type, etc. Could do this on the gallery too.
  • we need to add reader/RSS support to this site. I will need to research this because even though I’ve been on the internet for decades I never used this. (FEB 19 AHHHHHHH)
  • fine we’re making a microblog section, tentatively called notes or faketweets. maybe i’ll name it quickies lol.
  • need to fix the responsiveness of the games section which is nonexistent.
  • need to port the list for game taxonomies so it follows the games section layout


March 6 2025

  • CHANGED My blog directory structure to ``/content/blog/year/month` because it was getting unruly.

March 5 2025

  • FIXED The way that my lastmod script works. it needed to be reversed and show first 5 in order to show them, latest first.
  • ADDED article date and gameterms to the games/article pages.

March 4 2025

  • ADDED in hugo.toml the lastmod flag, so I can try to sort out the Recently Updated section for Games.

March 2 2025

  • ADDED On Games pages, I’ve decided to add some front matter that I can refer to in the header of the individual pages. So far its Date Started/Ended, Progress (in-progress/complete/on-going), Console & Genre. I might add publisher to that, or “notable personnel” or something. I guess that’s what tags are for. I also fixed the CSS so this new thing is responsive and looks good across devices.
  • FIXED Some CSS on the single Camera page. Added a first-of-type selector to the .column style.
  • ADDED A new bullet for Camera Inforation.

March 1 2025

  • CHANGED The way the lightbox gallery gets its CSS and Javascript files called. Originally, especially because I was testing and learning. Each shortcode had the js/css called, and the lightbox script. NOW it’s in its own shortcode that gets called once per page that uses any of the image shortcodes. I also changed the way the image gallery class is named. In the GAMES section, the class is just games. This lets you arrow through all of the images on that page as if they were built in the same gallery. Bleets & Blog will continue to generate a random class from the page’s date using UnixNano.

February 28 2025

  • REMOVED Two theme modules, photoswipe and hugo-video.
  • FIXED Many many many fixes went into the following shortcodes; newvideo.html, newgallery.html, newgalleryspec.html, newsingle.html. I’ve removed all references to those shortcodes as well.
  • UPDATED all pages in Blog, Bleets and Games.
  • CHANGED On the shortcodes that crop, I added the center process specification so fix my dislike of the generated thumbnails.

February 26 2025

  • ADDED new shortcode! newsingle.html along with lots of CSS to make it look good.

February 22 2025

  • CHANGED the <label> heading to a clamp/scaling font for better readability across devices.

February 21 2025

  • ADDED The CyberBuffalo Industries QuickBleet Gallery 9000 (patent pending)

February 20 2025

  • CHANGED The position of the introduction to the bleets section.

February 19 2025

  • CHANGED the layout of the games pages! No more vertical date
  • CHANGED the responsiveness of the games section
  • ADDED Color changing bullets on the games list depending on progress of the game
  • ADDED console icons on the games list
  • ADDED collapsable menu on the games section which goes away at 1000px
  • CHANGED additional little tweaks to the CSS

February 12 2025

  • ADDED clamp! Thanks to Rappy I’ve learned about a Clamp in CSS! The headings on the blog list pages have been reformatted using this handy tool to hopefully allow more readability across devices.

February 5 2025

  • FIXED the tags being displayed in the wrong font by splitting up listhead into mainlisthead & listhead.
  • FIXED the cyberbuffalotip font and spacing was a little off so I tweaked that
  • ADDED a new class, figureimg which will center and resize an image placed into a figures shortcode.

January 31 2025

  • ADDED A new option on the games page for a different kind of post, the article. This way if I want to write something about the 5 worst bosses in the Ninja Gaiden series, it separates it out from the games by year.
  • ADDED new partial, gamearticles.html

January 28 2025

  • RELEASED cbtheme2 theme 1.5!
  • ADDED Games Section! This is actually a fairly substantial update which would garner it’s own individual post (eventually). The games section flipped around the layout a bit. It’s listing the games by completion year on the left as well as a new category specific to the games section underneath it. The game pages can pull in Page resources from their bundles. They are displayed in chronological order from oldest to newest.
  • ADDED A new shortcode, gameposts.html. This orders the games by year.
  • ADDED A new set of shortcodes from Hugo Easy Gallery. I change the name of the gallery shortcode to galleries.html so it doesn’t mess with the established galleries already published. Also changed that figure shortcode to figures.html. This was done because the way I’m pulling in markdown files into the gameposts, they cannot use the established gallery shortcode, as page resources can’t access page resources. I need to add something that fixes this for video as well.
  • ADDED A new partial called gametag.html which builds the list of gameterms.

January 26 2025

  • FIXED The text in the camera section (was running off the card).

January 23 2025

  • ADDED Doto to theme
  • CHANGED HEADINGS to use the new font
  • CHANGED Font size, line heights and some other fiddly text business to make the site more readable.

January 20 2025

  • FIXED I guess the dates weren’t working on any of the list pages, and that has now been fixed!
  • CHANGED date/time on bleets to {{ .PublishDate }}
  • CHANGED li {list-style-position: inside;}
  • CHANGED background color for the links to the numbered images on the camera pages.

January 19 2025

  • CHANGED some additional CSS in relation to the BLEETS making them more responsive, also justified them to the right and made the container smaller. This change was to facilitate making them look more like what we’re used to, so if you were to screenshot one, it would have a more similar shape and look better on mobile.
  • CHANGED CSS to make the site wider on ipad sized screens 800 and below.
  • FIXED a CSS mistake that caused all bullet lists to go away.

January 18 2025

  • ADDED A GODDAMNED MICROBLOG SECTION. I’m calling “Notes” for now, but I want to call it faketweets, as its labeled. Maybe I’ll name it ’toots’ in the future.
  • ADDED a new card section on the left side, //Hyperlinks. I’m just trying to satisfy my 88x31 curiosity. With links to some of my social pages.
  • CHANGED the menu layout is now left-justified. This gives me room for expansion and isn’t too small on mobile.

January 12 2025

  • FIXED Responsiveness on mobile! I finally took my time and really went through those media queries and got everything situated. The menu just gets smaller, the summary wraps around the featured image, tags and dates go away because we don’t really need that information on a smaller screen. I also made the featured image bigger when the screen gets smaller. Happy with this.
  • ADDED a new image shortcode as I was getting frustrated with figure and the vanilla markdown.

January 11 2025

  • FIXED Navigation menu on mobile
  • ADDED Classes to the <p> tags on the listcard.html so they can be hidden for mobile

January 8 2025

  • ADDED New front matter parameter called defaultImage which lets me specify reoccurring icons for posts on the blog roll. Before I was copying them into each folder and titling them featured.jpg but now I can just set defaultImage='recipe.jpg' and it pulls it from the assets folder. I need to read more about the global resources and image processing because it didn’t do exactly what I wanted.
  • CHANGED how listitem.html partial handles setting the ‘featured’ image. This did, however, break the opengraph embeds which I still haven’t fixed.

January 5 2025

I have been working on figuring out the OpenGraph/embed stuff for a while but never made any progress. I finally realized what I was doing wrong. In my partial baseof.html I was including the internal template as opposed to my local OpenGraph template.

  • REMOVED {{ template "_internal/opengraph.html" . }} in baseof.html template
  • ADDED {{- partial "opengraph.html" . -}} in baseof.html template

The embeds are still not perfect, I’m working out what I need. I completely removed the entirety of the default opengraph.html partial and replaced it with a more simplified code.

  <meta property="og:type" content="website">
  <meta property="og:url" content="{{ $.Page.Permalink }}">
  {{- with or site.Title site.Params.title | plainify }}
  	<meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ . }}">
  	<meta property="twitter:site_name" content="{{ . }}">
  {{- end }}
  <meta property="og:title" content="{{ $.Page.Title }}">
  <meta property="og:description" content="{{ $.Page.Summary }}">
  <meta property="og:image" content="{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ .Params.featured_image }}">
  <meta property="twitter:domain" content="cyberbuffalo.neocities.org">
  <meta property="twitter:url" content="{{ $.Page.Permalink }}">
  <meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ $.Page.Title }}">
  <meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ $.Page.Summary }}">
  <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ .Params.featured_image }}">


December 26 2024

October 6 2024

I migrated my content over to the new theme structure. Things seem to be working just fine, with the exception of the summaries. I need to get the summaries to strip any previous formatting away.

  • CHANGED sidenav.html now includes code for a tag cloud. I like this better than just a straight list of tags. I have it set to only show tags with 2 or more uses. thanks to this site and the linked code.
  • FIXED {{ .Summary | truncate 240 | plainify }} plainify is the way we can strip away any formatting from a string.
  • ADDED responsive layout to the camera cards.

October 5 2024

There was a handful of bugs that I was trying to figure out when something happened to my site. I’m not exactly sure what happened, but it forced my hand to sort of redo a few things that I’ve been putting off.

  • CHANGED The menus are now auto generated with the exception of HOME. Defined in the config file, sectionPagesMenu = 'main'
  • CHANGED Moved all of my created shortcodes into the theme folder.
  • CHANGED Moved all archetypes into the theme folder.
  • REMOVED the path to a potential featured image in the /Blog section so a default image would show up.
  • REMOVED featured image out of default front matter for cameras.
  • ADDED default_camera.jpg
  • ADDED pagination.html to the partials, based off of this page.
  • REMOVED summaryLength from hugo.toml, as it does not seem to work.
  • ADDED in list.html partial, {{ .Summary | truncate 240 }} in order to control the length of the summary.
  • FIXED The new menus so they are ordered correctly by removing sectionPagesMenu = 'main' in the config and instead defining the menus manually.

October 4 2024

  • CHANGED streamlined shortcodes/camera_info.html. Was using 3 different variables to convey 2 different strings of variables that could all be the same thing. All camera info is being pulled off the data list using the camera nickname/tag I.E. “olympusxa” as opposed to “camera1” and “olympusXA”.
  • CHANGED shortcode camera_info.html, now no value is needed in the shortcode to pull in the data from cameralist.yml.
  • CHANGED all names in cameralist.yml to the new, arbitrary nickname system. This will aid in pulling in information for the camera-used.html shortcode which I’m building for the galleries.

October 1 2024

  • CHANGED Fixed the view of the camera section. Did this by customizing list.html inside the layouts/cameras
  • CHANGED Also fixed the view when clicking through any of the specific camera categories to match. This was achieved by creating layouts/categories/taxonomy.html which is the same as cameras/list.html.
  • CHANGED the sorting of the list of cameras ByTitle instead of ByPublishDate
  • ADDED a cool rotation hover to the polaroid style cards in camera.
  • CHANGED fixed the “recent posts” to only show blog posts, excluding cameras & galleries. {{ range ( where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "blog" | first 3 ) }}

September 29 2024

  • ADDED Archetypes for all three categories, ‘Posts’, ‘Cameras’ & ‘Galleries’

August 18th 2024

  • ADDED changelog.md to the about section.
  • ADDED ‘{{ urlize }}’ to the camera_info.html template which adds a “-” in between spaces, making the taxonomies easier to interact with.
  • ADDED the actual changelog to the end of the about index.md
  • ADDED a photo to the about page :D

August 14th 2024

  • ADDED the cbtip.html shortcode, which will insert a cyberbuffalo tip into the page. to use the tip, sidetext= is for the text that goes on the lefthand side of the page, tip= is the tip itself.
  • ADDED got the codeblock to wrap text down by modifying the CSS for pre.