Just a quick note to myself as I’m going to have to come back to this, but I’ve made some interesting improvements to the site over the past few days. First, I took that “quickbleet” automator script and turned into a shell script which actually works a lot better (it’s faster!). Secondly, since I wanted to be able to see a list of most recently updated games pages, I need a way to affect the lastmod property of the frontmatter. See, when checking the changed date at the OS level, it’s not checking the output html file, and it makes sense why it wouldn’t, almost every single index gets updated when you make a change (if you have a latest post or recent tags section, these are always updating). Since when I make a follow-up post for a game I’m writing about, the main index stays the same. So I wrote a bash zsh shell script that does a few things. First, it checks to see which post_#_.md exists. if none, it creates post01.md and add in the simple front matter that I want. Then, it sets the dateas a variable, uses sed to change the lastmod parameter in the front matter of that folders index.md. Nice and simple lol. I’ll share the code and resources when I write this up in a blog post.