Welcome to my notes toots bleets section. What's a bleet? Well, it's a complex series of grunts, gargles and mumbles. Its my microblog, a place where I can blast out a quick post, something that wouldn't necessarily need a larger blog entry. A brief thought, a dumb comment, a joke, meme, animated gif or the like, all very much fair game here.

I've also archived my twitter account, since that website is dead. I've deployed that archive to the web as a way to cross reference some of my game reviews and writing.

Catrena’s watching Rupaul’s dragrace and I finally realized where I recognized Suzie Toots from.

Just a quick note to myself as I’m going to have to come back to this, but I’ve made some interesting improvements to the site over the past few days. First, I took that “quickbleet” automator script and turned into a shell script which actually works a lot better (it’s faster!). Secondly, since I wanted to be able to see a list of most recently updated games pages, I need a way to affect the lastmod property of the frontmatter. See, when checking the changed date at the OS level, it’s not checking the output html file, and it makes sense why it wouldn’t, almost every single index gets updated when you make a change (if you have a latest post or recent tags section, these are always updating). Since when I make a follow-up post for a game I’m writing about, the main index stays the same. So I wrote a bash zsh shell script that does a few things. First, it checks to see which post_#_.md exists. if none, it creates post01.md and add in the simple front matter that I want. Then, it sets the dateas a variable, uses sed to change the lastmod parameter in the front matter of that folders index.md. Nice and simple lol. I’ll share the code and resources when I write this up in a blog post.

Hoo boy! 10:13pm earthquake, shook the whole building and gave us a little rumble. On the third floor of the loft it probably felt more intense than it was but that was a good shake for sure.3.9 out of North Hollywood (I guessed 3.8 near Pasadena)!

My god Apple Intelligence is such an embarrassing product for a company like Apple to be rolling out. Its never been more apparent that we are in this weird place with technology where no matter the product, no matter how bad it is, mediocrity will be pushed on the masses because some guy said so. Its such a dumb place we’re in right now and it really doesn’t feel like we’ll ever get out of it. Recently I was setting up a file for something I’m going to get to CNC’d and I to step back from it because the manual tracing and drawing I did made me question whether I think others will question if this was done by AI. I think this is the first time in my lifetime I truly feel that Pandora’s Box was opened. In other words, you can’t unfuck that pig.

One of the problems with building a website from scratch for yourself is that you spend a lot of time tinkering or fixing it as opposed to just making a fun post. Every time recently that I’ve went to make a post I stop because I’m in the middle of fixing the thing. BUT I can see the light at the end of that tunnel. I’m really getting a solid grasp on this thing and it’s working the way I want it to. I’m pretty happy about that. Now that I’ve got an okay grasp on Hugo, I need to start building a template for my professional website so I can get the fuck off wordpress.


This is me testing out a bunch of scenarios with this test bleet and a bunch of random images as I begin to test my very own image gallery shortcode. That’s right it’s time to ditch the 4 OTHER THEME PLUGINS I have going on this site with a nice, simple image gallery. I’ll do a big post on this later but here is my test tweet.

Okay so, I’m a selector slut now. With the way this flexbox CSS works, when you have one image, it justifies it to the left. SO nth-of-type() comes in.

.imageGallery1 a {
  flex-grow: 1;
  flex-basis: 125px;
  max-width: 300px;
  margin: 5px;

.imageGallery1 a:nth-of-type(1) {
	margin: auto;

It’s fucking awesome.

UPDATE - THE GALLERY IS WORKING! It’ll format 1, 2 or 4 images specifically, and then after that it will throw caution to the wind and let you dump a full gallery. I’m sure there will be more tweaks along the way but I will keep things updated in the changelog and blog.

Also did you know that Hugo automatically adds an id="" to your headings? This is how I was able to link to an anchor in the about page.

I am still debating if this is going to be rolled over into a larger gallery or if this is just going to be for the bleets page. After looking through the CSS of the the hugo easy gallery I think I’m going to pursue making a justified gallery in this shortcode. I think I can do it.

I’ve been ignoring the galleries section even though I have like 4 or 5 rolls ready to upload. One of the rolls I have is from a camera that I haven’t photographed yet and I haven’t photographed it yet because I’m still trying to work out what those photos look like. I think maybe I’ll finally upload some of the photos from our engagement trip in November, it would be nice to get those up to share.

Okay fine I’ll do it. Instead of complaining more about Kratos, I’ll make a gallery of some of the engagement photos.

I’ve been trying out the Monster Hunter Wilds beta and look who showed up. He left Asgard long enough to take this guy down.



We had a rough day today and while sitting in an urgent care, I wanted to share something I had written and realized that after the last round of typography updates (of which I’m really not happy with) my site looks like butts on mobile.

Blog - I need to overhaul the headings and fonts (some of them just runoff the page) Games - it’s completely broken on mobile. I fucked with it a bit tonight just to make sure it’s baseline readable Bleets - Basically fine but I don’t really love the layout. I want it to feel more like a timeline and also more micro. about/changelog is fine.

I tried hacking away at it today but I’m not feeling confident in my ability to scab the CSS together to get it to where I’m happy with it. blah.


Apparently XBOX made a change and the console will automatically delete screenshots saved locally after reportedly 21 days, and screenshots uploaded to the xbox network will be deleted after 90 days. This feels like a change to force people to buy into the One Drive ecosystem. I lost a lot of screenshots and I’m pretty upset about it!

Screenshot 2025 02 05 at 10.08.06 PM

There was a Capcom presentation today that featured some news about Onimusha 4, and just like the Xbox presentation when they announced Ninja Gaiden 4, they also announced an Onimusha 2 remaster! Pretty excited to play through this and see just how off the rails the series starts to go. Based on the character Gogandantess, I’m guessing pretty its pretty whacky.


I saw this morning that they are bringing back The Pebble! I had a pebble smart watch for a while and really loved it. When they shuttered the official app I stopped using it and it is currently occupying space in a box full of kitbash parts. Really excited to see what they are going to do with it!

Announcement on Eric Migicovsky’s Blog

Official Re-Pebble Website

why were bringing pebble back 1 pebble lineup

Okay, I’m definitely making a games section. I’ve started to play Ninja Gaiden 2 Black after it was shadowdropped during the Xbox showcase a few day ago. During the Year of the Hack & Slash I had started to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma, which is Ninja Gaiden 1 (not black) upgraded for PS3 (played on Series X) but got stonewalled because I didn’t know what I was doing. This time around I’ve been more careful, a little more meticulous and more thoughtful with how I’m playing and having an absolute grand ole time. Looking forward to whatever they have in store for Ninja Gaiden 4!


NEW TIM SEELEY! NEW ASH WILLIAMS! This is going to be my first introduction to Red Sonja, a comic I’ve seen in the back of every comic I’ve ever read. Always intriguing, but I’ve never imbibed.

April 2025, pretty excited!

Red Sonja vs The Army of Darkness 1 Tim Seeley Cover.jpg

I need to come up with a way to photograph the camera collection that isn’t just put on the desk in my wallpapered living room, something more aesthetically fitting for the rest of the site. A few years before the pandemic I had to sell off a part of my collection and the way I photographed them might be the ticket. Reclaimed wood surface, but instead of the white wall behind it, I’m thinking of making a background, maybe a pixelated gradient of some type. Hmmmm…

Okay so what was that previous bleet about? I wanted to be able to quickly pound out one of these microposts so I worked with macOS’ Automator to make it happen.

Even though I’ve been a mac user since GW was in office, I’ve never really dipped my toes into automator. Part of this was to just get a working automator app as practice.

What does it do?

The first thing I did was add a shell script:


# Change to the CBI Hugo Folder
cd ~/Websites/cyberbuff/

# get date/time for folder name
cdt=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S")

# run hugo to make new faketweet
/opt/homebrew/bin/./hugo new content faketweet/$cdt

# open new md file
open -a TextEdit content/faketweet/$cdt/index.md

# wait for textedit to close

# move to new folder
cd content/faketweet/$cdt/images

echo "$cwd"

Next, I pass that $cwd variable down into automator. The script opens the newly created bleet in text edit and opens a finder window where you can select images. Save the .md file, quit, select any images if you want them and hit choose. Then, the script copies the images into the page bundle image folder, runs hugo to generate the site and pushes it to neocities. The big holdup is that it takes a few minutes to fully publish the site. Maybe’ll I’ll turn hugo into a chronjob or something of the like and just push it out every few hours. Still thinking, but a nice tinker!

Hooray! The quickBleet.app automator script is working!


Today, on this day, is the stupidest possible day for everyone the world over.

…. And that’s a wrap! It’s tweeting time! I’m happy with this. Let’s fucking rock baby, doll.


HOOO-BOY! I think we’re going get this sucker to operate. I am going to keep the styling minimal, but toss in a little blue as an ode to twitter we’ve all lost. RIP.

Alright the galleries are DEFINITELY WORKING now. Getting these stupid toots to post with the galleries that are created in their .md file was kind of a pain in the ass, and it took me making them all leaf bundles. But cool, it’s working. The layout still needs work. Here’s a couple of images from my desktop.

This is the first of the fakest of tweets. Oh cool, it’s kind of working. This is very nice and I think this is going to work out A-Okay. Here are some images of the boys just to see it working with images.